
Fabulous People: Meghan Mills

Meghan Mills is the owner of Downtown Kenosha’s Hold My Beer, alongside her fiancé Luke Faulkner. The newly opened business is the city’s first axe-throwing and self-pour craft beer taphouse. Learn about Meghan Mills…

Follow at: @holdmybeer_kenosha

Hometown: Las Vegas, but I have lived in many cities throughout the United States.  I currently reside in Kenosha, WI.

First job: Babysitting at a gym in Bradley, IL

Favorite ways to spend your free time in WI: I enjoy seeking out new adventures with family and trying new things.

Your biggest accomplishment and why: This bar – it’s been the most challenging, yet rewarding experience of my life thus far. My entire life I’ve dreamed of owning my own business and have taken many risks in the past that weren’t the right fit and, as a result, lost a lot of money. Still, I wouldn’t trade my past experiences for the world because they taught me valuable lessons that helped make this dream a reality.

The biggest obstacle you overcame: My own self-doubt and the lack of confidence I had as a result at times.

Someone who inspires you and why: Small business owners. I know this is a bit vague, but every time I come back to this question there isn’t one person who comes to mind. Throughout this process I’ve had the pleasure of networking with and supporting small business owners who will do anything to make their business successful. I get to hear the struggles, get advice from and see their heart for other small business owners and our community. Their generosity inspires me daily.

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Believe in yourself and be sure to have a good amount of money available for the extra costs that you didn’t plan for. Get a SCORE mentor, reach out to your local SBDC for guidance and support, and network as much as possible. These kinds of connections are worth their weight in gold!

Favorite quote: “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: This is my first business, and the interior was designed and built by myself, my dad and my fiancé/business partner.

What makes someone fabulous: An individual who takes action and fights for what they want, even when the odds are stacked against them. Owning a brick-and-mortar business is not for the faint of heart – it takes grit, perseverance, levity and a humble spirit. These kinds of people aren’t just fabulous; they are heroes and to be admired.

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