Fab Teachers

Alison Egnoski

Pier Elementary School | fifth grade

How long have you been teaching? This will be my 22nd year teaching in the Fond du Lac School District. I taught third grade for seven years, was a reading specialist for 10 years, and fifth-grade teacher for four years.

What inspired you to be a teacher? I have always wanted to be a teacher. I have always loved school, especially reading. My mom taught me how to read when I was 4 years old. I think this gave me a positive school experience. I’ve had some really great teachers throughout my life. Some that stand out especially are Mr. Dahm from high school and Dr. Scanlan from UW-Oshkosh. Both were reading teachers. I have also always really liked younger children from babysitting. I honestly cannot think of another career that I would want to do. I love how every day is different and it is definitely not boring.  

What is your greatest joy in teaching? My greatest joy in teaching is taking a child that doesn’t like to read and turning them into a voracious reader. This happens every year. I tell the students on day one that by the end of the year they will love to read. They don’t believe me, but it truly does happen. This past year I had a boy that was a non-reader and by exposing him to different books, I couldn’t get him to put his book down by the end of the year. I also love to be my students’ personal book shoppers and go to the public library and bring them books that they find on their desks like little presents. I love to get students excited about books by reading a variety of picture and chapter books. I have also had many parents thank me for instilling a love of reading in their children.

What about the greatest challenge? The greatest challenge in this day of teaching is probably a lack of respect and behavior issues many of our children face.  Students are quick to give up when things are not quick and easy for them. I am constantly trying to push and motivate students so that they can do what is being asked of them. This doesn’t happen though without a two-way positive relationship.

What if a student can have only one takeaway from time spent in your classroom, what would it be? Be kind to others. You don’t have to like everyone but you can be kind and civil to them. Everyone’s culture matters and all should be celebrated.

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