Fab Mixologists

Matthiew Hiel

Mixology is truly an art form—and Matthew Hiel is helping to preserve the craft in Wisconsin through spirits education and his own brand, Wiscocktail. Founded in 2017, Wiscocktail was created as an outlet for Hiel to better explore the history of Brandy cocktails and their greater relevance to Wisconsin. Now, he’s using his experience in cocktail creation, menu development and beverage hospitality to help in continue evolving the state’s mixology scene.

Best part of working in Wisconsin’s mixology scene: Wisconsin has some of the most rich and unique cocktail history in the country. Nobody else makes Old Fashioneds like we do, and we literally invented ice cream drinks!

Go-to drink: My favorite drink to make (and consume) has to be the Sazerac. This potent New Orleans drink has a very particular ritual to making it, and it includes some of my favorite spirits (rye whiskey and absinthe).

Best advice to an aspiring bartender or mixologist: My advice to any aspiring bartender is to visit as many establishments as they can. In my career, I have been lucky enough to visit some incredible and unique places, from supper clubs to taverns to ultra-modern mixology bars, and there is so much you can learn from the bartenders (and patrons!) at each of these kinds of establishments.

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